Easy First, Compliant Foremost.
Early Intervention Management Software. e-Signature ready for tele-intervention.
Developed by EI Providers for EI Providers. MyeliNet is at the heart of Early Intervention.
Intuitively, easily manage the information that makes a difference to you, your business, and the families you serve. Case data, schedules, clients, providers, referrals, and staffing. Includes a parent/guardian portal, tele-intervention, billing and response files, HR and payroll, plus much more.
Paperless Efficiency. Eliminate Data Entry Backlogs
Our cloud-based, permissions-secure service helps you create documents, file session notes, log secure records, and manage information anywhere Internet access is available.
MyeliNet helps you manage resources more accurately, preventing conflicts and over-scheduling. Built with a deep understanding of Early Intervention workflow, our solution is comprehensive and designed to address all the facets of EI service management, including billing, collections, payroll, reports, etc.
Pull Audit Reports Effortlessly, Leaving more time for other administrative tasks.
Never stray from your company's goals or second guess how you'll fare during an audit.
MyeliNet assures that HIPAA, County, State and Medicaid audits are stress-free and without surprises.
- missing, outdated or false certificates of medical necessity, plan of care and other records
- billing for services not provided.
"MyeliNet℠: Inspired by Neuroscience"
MyeliNet℠'s name is a nod to the vital importance of the myelin membrane in the development of the central nervous system. Myelination begins before birth with the most dramatic activity occurring during the first two years. Myelin enables nerve cells to transmit information faster and allows for more complex brain processes.
MyeliNet℠software will increase the efficiency of your Early Intervention operation by making information gathering, transmission and handoff seamless.
Anticipating Your Needs
Competitive Advantage, Priceless Assistance
Caseload Management
Client Management
Billing & Response Files
Records Management
HR & Payroll
Provider Compliance
Parent/Guardian Portal
Extensive Reporting
Primary Benefits
- Mobile Data Access
- Uncomplicated e-signature all parents can use
- Electronic, Paperless Workflow
- Eliminate Duplicate Data Entry
- Streamlines Record Creation & Retrieval
- A Secure, Compliant System
- Intuitive and Easy-to-Use
- Decreases Operational Costs
- Speeds Up Reimbursement