Preparing for the Demo

We want to be as prepared as possible to demo the Myelinet Software. Answering these questions (as best you can) helps us to customize the demo to make sure we are answering all your questions. Please complete these form at least 2 days before the demo so we have time to prepare.

Your Contact Info

About Your Organization and Your Needs

Which features do you plan to utilize?
Please check all the features you plan to use.
Do you have centralized service coordinators?
Do you have county, regional, and/or state requirements for your session notes?
Do your session notes require a caregiver signature when held?
Are signatures required for cancelled sessions?
Do you need electronic visit verification (EVV)?
Do these documents require signatures?
Do your therapists have a reliable internet connection during their visits?
Is your organization prepared to make a shift to paperless documentation?
Are your therapists/providers on board?
Are families open to using a parent portal?